Sunday, December 17, 2006


Philemon 8-9 - Because of the faith of Philemon, Paul knew that, although he had the authority to tell Philemon what he should do, he did not have to, because Philemon was already sound enough to do what was right.

Do I take the initiative to do the right thing because of my faith and love for God, or do I wait until God puts me in a situation where I have my hand placed for me, where the only way to get out if it would be to completely disobey? I should not wait until I have no choice but to do good. I should offer myself when the situation is available, before anyone is given the chance to ask.

Matthew 25:33-46 - Sheep and goats
We are commanded to help others, and help each other. Especially each other, our brothers and sisters. We should not have to wait for God to always say "go." Anytime we see someone with a need, we should do what we can to help. This also includes spiritual needs. "If a brother is caught in sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently." Most people will not ask for help until there are no other options. We can not allow our family to get to that place, especially in regard to their relationship with God. In order to be proactive in helping others, we must always be aware of what is going on in their lives. If we focus everything on ourselves, we can not look outward at others. We may not always be able to help, but we must always be prepared and ready to help, or use our resources to find help. it is our responsibility to look out for others, and in turn, they should look out for us. This is not to say that we do nothing to take care of ourselves. But our needs are secondary if they prevent us from serving others. "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor." (Romans 12:10). "Carry each other's burdens and, in this way, you fulfill the Law of Christ."

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