Sunday, July 5, 2009


Sometimes I forget that God is a God of miracles. The days of prophets and apostles are gone, and thus so are the miraculous gifts given to man. But God doesn't need the hands of man to accomplish great tasks. But he does need our obedience and prayers. Not need as in He can't do these things without them. But, as He did with Abraham and Moses, God can change His mind when we align our will with His and ask Him to make it so with boldness and confidence.

The prayer of Jabez was grossly misused several years ago, but its lesson is no less true. He prayed for God to increase his land, not for the sake of fame and riches, but for health and safety, and God granted his request. We do not know why God said yes, but we know that Jabez's prayer pleased him. Later in 1 Chronicles, we see that God answered the prayers of the Reubenites, Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh and gave them victory in war because they trusted in Him (5:20). It's comforting to know that God still works in that way. James tells us that when we ask for something, we should already believe it has been done. Sometimes that type of faith can be harder than faith in anything else. We've become so jaded in the disappointments brought on by the people of this world, we hold back in our prayers because we don't want to set ourselves up for disappointment. Yet in doing so, we forget the true nature of God. He is not like man, who inevitably lets you down, either purposefully or unintentionally. God will always give us what we need, and when He says no, it is because He has something better in store. Like the Israelites, we must trust in Him.

Recently, I have been making an effort to be more bold in my prayer life. This is especially difficult for me, as I'm generally not bold in asking for anything in general, let alone from God. But twice in the last few months I have prayed with confidence for the healing of another, and both times God made it so. I am continually amazed at God's grace and tenderness, as He reminds me that He is still the God who does miracles and patiently waits for me to be ready for Him to work miracles in my life.

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