Sunday, September 27, 2009

Reality Check

My job has become a big source of discontentment and frustration for me. I think in many ways it always has been. Even before I moved into a help desk position, people would come to me for help with things they could just as easily do on their own. Although, now that my job title includes the word "help" in it, it seems all I do is spend my day cleaning up other people's messes. And generally it is the same handful of people. I continue to delete the mistakes of the same people, reset the same passwords, explain the same steps to the same person for the umpteenth time. My impatient nature often gets the best of me, and I find myself praying, asking God for the patience to deal with the people who just don't get it. It's at that time that God reminds me that I've been praying for patience since I was a child. I've learned that lesson many times, yet I continue to fail and need to ask Him to fix my problems. It puts my job situation in a much different perspective.

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